Will you be back in 2025? Of course!
The next International Forum Altötting will take place
from 7 August to 10 August 2025.
Save the date!

A place for you!
Alone or together
You are coming on your own? As a couple? With the whole family, friends or people from the parish? We are looking forward to meeting you here. With many opportunities to connect, you will find it easy to make new friends, whilst also having enough time just for yourself.
Relaxation and depth
You want to switch off and relax? But also wish to reflect on God and the world, and hear the opinion of others? Celebrating our faith and cheerfully sitting together in the beergarden – here both is possible.
Old and young and everything in-between
Are you glad that the next date is only in one or two weeks? Your kids are happy with seemingly endless summer holidays? Or are you retired and would like to come to Altötting and help? Here all generations get together.
Sounds good?
You cannot register for the Forum just yet. But if you want, we will inform you by mail as soon as registration is possible. That way you will not miss our early booking discount.
That’s us!
For 25 years, the Emmanuel Community has been organizing a cross-generational summer festival of encounter and faith in form of the Forum Altötting. In 2020 and 2021, we decided to split the joy and energy into smaller local meetings in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Now we are looking forward to starting in Altötting once more! Together with the town of Altötting, which supports the Forum in various essential ways.
Emmanuel – that means: God with us. Out of this conviction, we try to shape our everyday life and be benevolent to the people around us.
We are a Catholic community with worldwide papal recognition and active in about 70 countries, with more than 12,000 members. Many more are affiliated with the Community on their journey of faith and benefit from its apostolate.
Emmanuel is involved in a variety of initiatives with the aim of promoting a living Christian faith. In the midst of our modern everyday life, we wish to encourage an open dialogue on faith and the Church and enable encounters with God.
Assist us
The Forum Altötting can take place thanks to many voluntary hands and generous hearts. By using your time, your skills or even your donation, you make it possible for others to have this unique experience. We are happy to inform you of the different ways of supporting the Forum Altötting. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
How to continue afterwards
You wish to keep your relationship with God fresh and alive in day-to-day life after the Forum Altötting has ended? The Emmanuel Community offers you many opportunities both locally and nationally.
Whether it is music weekends, time-outs for couples, father-child camping or desert retreats, ,,Mission Possible” courses or prayer evenings – find out what suits you and see where you can meet us.
We are also happy to stay in touch via the internet: songs, teachings and streams on our Youtube-channel help to bridge the time till the next Forum Altötting. Many songs of Emmanuel Music are available online.