Donations for the Forum Altötting
By supporting us financially, you make it possible for children, young people and families to experience unforgettable days.
They all look forward to the Forum as a place to recharge their batteries, meet others, deepen their faith and have formative experiences. Many would not be able to afford the Forum if it were not for donors!
The young volunteers who help us for three weeks in Altötting with work around the house can expect a supporting program with joint prayer, leisure activities, strengthening impulses and workshops in addition to their work. Without the support of donations, this program would not be possible in this way.
We are happy about both the million and the very small contributions.
Thank you for your support!
Donation account Forum Altötting:
Gemeinschaft Emmanuel e.V.
IBAN: DE55 7115 1020 0026 0034 34
Kreissparkasse Altötting-Mühldorf
Purpose: “Donation Forum Altötting”