Wanna be part of it?

Would you like to help make the forum a success? You can support us in various ways!


What would the Forum be without its many volunteers? Boring! Our volunteers not only provide great music, shady tents and seating – their commitment also creates the unique family atmosphere of the Forum!

Help days

Would you also like to help out and only have a few days to spare? Then come to the help days in Altötting.


By supporting us financially, you make it possible for children, young people and families to experience unforgettable days. We are happy about the million as well as about a very small contribution.
Thank you for your support!

Other possibilities

We would also be delighted if you would accompany us in prayer or invite your friends or family to the forum. And if you live in Altötting and would like to host guests, please get in touch with us as a host family! We will be happy to answer all your questions.