Adult Forum

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The Altötting Forum may only last a few days, but it is still a guarantee for inspiration and relaxation for many. From Thursday to Sunday, children and adults experience a varied program with different formats and impulses for a successful life: The Forum is a “festival of faith” with activities for the whole family – even outdoors. Children of all ages experience an attractive adventure program and discover the joy of Christian faith in a playful and creative way. See children’s forum. For adults, there is a program mix of activity, input, rest, discussion and movement.

For many visitors to the forum, the atmospheric evening programs with touching music and interesting panelists are an unforgettable highlight. In the morning, there are also moving impulses and presentations by interesting guests from different walks of life. At the Forum, you can meet people from all over Europe and immerse yourself in an international community in a relaxed and uncomplicated way while waiting for lunch. A moment of silence or a spontaneous prayer gives many people new courage and hope for their everyday lives at home.

Emmanuel Meeting – Extra

For all those who want to spend a more intensive time with the Emmanuel community in prayer, talk and exchange, there is the opportunity to come to the Emmanuel Meeting. The meeting always takes place on the evening before the forum.